Amidst the exacerbating living cost crisis sweeping the west following the conflict in Ukraine, one particular country seems to be feeling the egregious socio-econonic effect more poignantly.
The Republic of Ireland is now arguably the most expensive country in the eurozone.
Statistics from 2021, as provided by the Central Statistic Office (CSO), showed that food prices in Eire were the third highest in the European Union.
Prices of food were detailed to 17% higher than the average prices in the EU, effectively making it the second highest in the Eurozone and ranked third in the European Union.
Milk, Cheese and Eggs were revealed to be 25 percent higher than the EU average.
2021 data indicates that Switzerland has the most expensive food prices at a staggering 69 percent above the EU average. Ireland, the home of Guiness, ranked second in the Eurozone and EU for cost of alcohol beverages.
Alcohol in Ireland was just over two times the EU average in 2021 while tobacco in Ireland was 145 pdrcent higher than the EU average.
Currently, the Island nation has the highest cost of living in the European Union alongside Denmark.
Inflation in Ireland is currently at the highest level since 1984 as revealed by Eurostat, the office of the European Union. The current prices of goods and services in Ireland are 40% above the European Union average.
Eurostat data shows that alcohol and tobacco prices are the highest in Europe at over 200% the EU average. Housing costs are circa 88% higher than the EU average.
Furthermore, based on the same Eurostat survey, Ireland has the second most expensive public transport in Europe. Hotel and restaurant prices are nearly 30% higher than the European average.
Fuel prices are also outrageously high with Petrol and diesel well over €2 now. This around 30c higher than January prices which were already at record levels.
While relief measures are been explored by the Irish Government, there is lingering apprehension that the crisis could last beyond this year.